Dan Panţoiu & Associates





About Us


The Team









       The Professional Lawyership Company "Dan Panţoiu & Asociates" is offering a wide range of vocational services at a high standard of competence, paying a carefull attention to the professional ethics. For this purpose, we engage for the next:
•    We shall keep in deep confidence all the dialogues, communications and informations provided, during all our professional relationship. We shall not disclose your secrets and confidences to anybody, without your prior permission.
•    We shall follow the targets we were engaged for, without any delay. Meantime, we request from our clients fully cooperation at any time. Although, we can not assure the entire controll over all the aspects of our activity, espacially regarding the involvement of other third parties or 

  regarding the proceed of the judicial activities, taking in consideration the public aspect of the instance deliberations.  

•    We always use normal fees, in proportion with the activities evolved. We shall delegate our activities most efficiently  for a better reducing the costs for you. Also, we shall put in time to your disposal reports that reflects the evolved activity in your interest, correlated with the adequate costs.


•   At your request, together we shall fix appointments, any time you consider it is necessary, for discussing the activities evolved correlated with our fees. In case you are unsatisfied about our services, or if you decide we did not keep our engagements, we shall inform the lawyer charged with your instance for debating an amicable solution of the controversy. We shall try to solve your discontent as good as possible, in a correct and direct manner.


•     The correspondence between us and our clients will be proceeded readiness.

•     The possible misunderstanding regarding invoicing will be promptly resolved. All the fees and expenses will be detailed explained. In case of some unexpected exceeding of the expenses, or additional services needed, you will be informed in time, so you can take the right decision. The lawyer charged with your instance will explain you all the detail of the first invoice. The invoices will be sent to you in time, together with a prior notice.


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