Dan Panţoiu & Associates





About Us


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       The Professional Lawyership Company "Dan Panoiu & Associates" decided to remove all the supplimentary costs that expanses the invoice of a lawyer. Although we implemented a performing computer network with non-stop internet access and automatic document processing, we decided not to charge the invoices to our clients for these services. Furthermore, we do not charge the copying, the fax transmissions, the printing and the scaning of documents for our clients. Also, we do not charge the costs for stamping the local correspondence, and also our lawyers local transportation costs.

       Cheap fees for consulting services


       We consider as very important the informing of our clients till the very begining of our collaboration regarding the amount of hourly fees and the average number of necessary hours needful for solving the current problems. In some cases we can negociate agreements that stipulates an invoicing system more beneficial for the client. The invoicing sum is less than the arithmetical sum of the evolved hours.


       For this reason, our hourly fees are sensitive less than other's lawyers having the same experience and services like us. At our Company, the first consulting talk is free of charge; the hourly fees beeing adjusted to the client's needs.


       Our lawyers try to reduce as it possible the costs of every contention, also the fees and other judgement charges. Every time we propse a strategy, we communicate an estimation of the asociated costs.


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